Rev Isaac Osei-Bonsu, popularly referred to as Rev OB, is a Ghanaian preacher and founder of the Moments of Glory Prayer Army. Rev OB is seen as a revivalist whose ministry has brought out the awakening of the Body of Christ to prayer in Ghana and around the globe. His passion as a young preacher was to pray for revival in the Body of Christ, not knowing God was preparing him to lead such a revival in the nations.

Today's Bible Verse

Confession for Today

Proverbs 8:11 NLT “Wisdom is far more valuable than rubies. Nothing you desire can compare with it.”

One thing you ought not to stop in life is learning and growing. You are to be like Jesus who the Bible says increased in wisdom and in stature. To keep learning and growing, you must recognize these: 1. Successful people view learning differently than unsuccessful people. Joshua learned from Moses. Timothy learned from Paul. Who have you chosen to learn from? Author Sydney J. Harris wrote: “A winner knows how much he still has to learn, even when he is considered an expert by others.

A loser wants to be considered an expert by others before he has learned enough to know how little he knows.” It is all a matter of attitude. It is truly remarkable how much a person has to learn before they realize how little they know. 2. Nothing is interesting if you are not interested. In the book Quality Is Free, Philip B. Crosby writes: “There is a theory of human behaviour that says people subconsciously retard their own intellectual growth. They come to rely on clichés and habits. Once they reach the age of…personal comfort with the world, they stop learning and their mind runs on idle for the rest of their days.

They may progress organizationally, they may be ambitious and eager, and they may even work night and day. But they learn no more.” The Bible says, “Jesus increased in wisdom and stature” (Luke 2:52 KJV). He did not just grow physically; He grew spiritually, mentally and emotionally. It is a tragedy when you let yourself get into a rut and never climb out; you miss out on the best that God has to offer. By contrast, teachable people are completely engaged in life. They are enthusiastic about things. They are interested in discovering, discussing, applying and increasing. So, never stop learning and growing!

Confession for Today

I decree and declare to always avail myself to learning and growing in order to be a success in life in the mighty name of Jesus.