Rev Isaac Osei-Bonsu, popularly referred to as Rev OB, is a Ghanaian preacher and founder of the Moments of Glory Prayer Army. Rev OB is seen as a revivalist whose ministry has brought out the awakening of the Body of Christ to prayer in Ghana and around the globe. His passion as a young preacher was to pray for revival in the Body of Christ, not knowing God was preparing him to lead such a revival in the nations.

Today's Bible Verse

Revelation 3:20 “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears to my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with me.”

Confession for Today

I decree and declare to stay plugged to God by spending time with Him daily in the mighty name of Jesus.

God gave you a heart and in your heart, He placed passions, desires and dreams. But unless they are under His control, they will be misused, they will be abused, they will be misapplied, they will be misdirected and they will be wasted in your life. All around the world, millions of passionate people have interests, dreams and ambitions that are being misused and abused, and it breaks God’s heart. Despite their talent and their passion, these people are unhappy because, when your passions are misused, it makes you miserable. Some of you might be thinking, “I’m not really passionate about anything right now.”  It means you are disconnected from God. You cannot be connected to God and not be passionate. When you are plugged into God, you get passionate about God and everything about him. God is a passionate God.

The only reason you have emotions is because you are made in His image. God is emotional. God gets jealous when he sees you ignoring him for something else. God has loved you with everlasting love no matter what you have done; He will always love you. When you spend time with God daily and you get plugged into Him, you cannot help but be passionate. You start to develop God’s heart for the world. You start to feel the way he does. Who you hang out with really does make a difference. The closer you get to God, the more energy, vitality, and passion you will have in life.

The further away you get, the more bored and pathetic you will become. You have to open your heart to Jesus. In Revelation 3:20, the Bible says, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with me.” If you are not a believer or if you are a Christian who has wandered away from God, Jesus Christ is standing and knocking at the door of your life. The choice is yours to open and allow Him into your life.