About the Founder

Rev Isaac Osei-Bonsu (Rev O.B)

Rev Isaac Osei-Bonsu, popularly referred to as Rev OB, is a Ghanaian preacher and founder of the Moments of Glory Prayer Army. Rev OB is seen as a revivalist whose ministry has brought out the awakening of the Body of Christ to prayer in Ghana and around the globe. His passion as a young preacher was to pray for revival in the Body of Christ, not knowing God was preparing him to lead such a revival in the nations.

He is the Founder and General Overseer of the Moments of Glory Prayer Army, a non-denominational Christian movement which aims at depopulating hell and winning souls for the kingdom of God, with a membership base of more than 140,000 believers and counting. His ministry is a fast-growing Christian movement with a growing number of branches all over the world.

Beginnings & Early Life In Ministry

Rev Isaac Osei-Bonsu was born on the 25th day of August years ago at North Suntreso in Kumasi to Mr. Anane Boateng and Madam Adwoa Dufie, both late. Affectionately called ‘Osei’ by his siblings, he is the last of six brothers and a sister. He had his secondary education at Prempeh College, where he studied General Science.

To be better prepared to fulfill the call of God upon his life, he pursued studies in Christian Ministry at Vision University College, a degree in Theology from the North Western Christian University, associate degree in Biblical Studies from Covenant Theological Seminary, and a diploma in Biblical Studies from International School of Ministry. Rev OB became the first man of God to be hosted on the widely patronized Kessben Gospel Broadcast (KGB) programme. He has also preached the Gospel of Christ on radio stations in Kumasi prior to founding MOGPA, namely Fox FM and Solid FM. Rev OB, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, has planted and pastored several churches.


Family Life

On 2nd April 2000, Rev OB got married to the love of his life Mrs. Anita Osei-Bonsu; after deciding to keep a distance between them until they were officially husband and wife. Maame Anita is the precious ornament of his life, and has been a passion of his heart and an inspirer of his gift. They are favored to be blessed with five (5) lovely angels; Divine, Faith, Godfred, Emmanuella and Osei-Bonsu Junior.


Humanitarian Works

Rev Isaac Osei-Bonsu has and continues to demonstrate practical Christianity by attaching great importance to social responsibilities. Rev. Isaac Osei-Bonsu has financed the education of countless individuals through primary, elementary, secondary, and tertiary institutions. Beneficiaries have had their tuition, boarding and other expenses paid for throughout the entire duration of their studies. Exorbitant amounts of monies are being paid by Rev OB to support students yearly.

He has also constructed and donated mechanized borehole facilities to communities including Abrankese-Nyameani in the Bosomtwe Assembly of Ashanti Region, who received this kind gesture as part of MOGPA’s 2nd Anniversary celebrations. Inhabitants of Afraku, near Juaben were the next to be blessed by the servant with a borehole facility during the 3rd anniversary of MOGPA. The Mampong Babies’ Home, Atwetweso, Dumasi and several other communities have also received their share of mechanized borehole facilities. These acts of benevolence became necessary when it came to the notice of Rev. Isaac Osei-Bonsu that inhabitants of the aforementioned communities had no access to good drinking water, and the dwellers were thus exposed to water borne diseases and infections. The mechanized boreholes have provided good water for domestic, agricultural, and other uses in the concerned settlements.

St. Louis Senior High School, a prominent school in Ghana also had their long-standing water shortage problem alleviated through the provision of solar-powered borehole facility by Reverend Isaac Osei-Bonsu.

Having and maintaining good health has always been important to living a healthy, happy, and productive life. Rev OB’s ministry has therefore conducted free medical screening in many deprived communities. A team of doctors and paramedics have routinely been dispatched to different localities to offer their medical services to the people. These services included general screening, diagnoses, and drug prescriptions and donations. Several people have also had their hospital bills paid by the humble servant of God.


Computer And Textbook Library At Fawohoyeden

Knowing the importance of education in our world today, Rev Isaac Osei-Bonsu ministry has therefore assisted several schools and educational facilities in providing secular training for their pupils. Educational materials like textbooks, exercise books, pens and pencils have periodically been donated to schools in rural communities. In an immense demonstration of his commitment to quality education, Rev OB has built a computer and textbook library for the people of Fawohoyeden, a town in the Asunafo North Municipality, in the Ahafo Region of Ghana. In it are computers, textbooks and Christian literature materials to enhance the academic and spiritual lives of students of the community.

In addition to the library, Rev OB has constructed a borehole beside the library to provide clean and healthy water for the people of Fawohoyeden.


Computer And Textbook Library At Mfensi

In a further show of his dedication to the provision of quality education to the less privileged, Reverend OB has once again constructed a computer and textbook library for the Mfensi Basic School in the Atwima Nwabiagya North District of the Ashanti Region. Filled with computers and diverse literature materials, the library has a mechanized borehole facility beside it to provide uninterrupted water supply to the school.


Love For Orphans, Widows And The Needy

Assisting orphans in their predicament is godliness. Rev OB has on countless occasions made donations to several orphanages. Food items, medicines, items of clothing, among others, have been sent to the children in the All-Nations Charity Home, Ashan Children’s Home, Adullam Orphanage School, Mampong Babies’ Home, Adom Needy Care Foundation, and several other orphanages. Widows in his ministry are being blessed annually with pieces of cloth, food items, and substantial amounts of money, a gesture which puts smiles on faces of many and lifts their spirits every Christmas season.

Our brothers and sisters in various prisons and correctional facilities are not being left out. Inmates in these institutions continue to receive several visits and donations from the benevolent servant of God.

Book Ministry

Through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, his senior partner, Rev Isaac Osei-Bonsu has authored numerous Spirit filled books, which provide divine knowledge and minister deliverance to countless number of people, as the anointed vessel of God imparts what he carries unto his generation. Books written by the anointed author include Red Hot Prayers 1&2, Destiny Changing Prayers, Dumbfounding Testimonies, Marital Breakthrough Prayers, Dealing with Spiritual Marriage, Spiritual Marriage Simplified, Prayers and Confessions for Demolishing Anti-Marriage Forces, Prayers and Confessions for Supernatural Turnaround, Defending your Marriage, Experiencing Marital Success, Wisdom for Today, The Need for Deliverance, Maintaining Your Deliverance, Divine Favour, Overcoming Demonic Dreams, Breaking the Bondage of Fear, Victory over Fornication and Adultery, Breaking of Curses, Breaking Ungodly Soul Ties, Poverty Must Die, Dealing with Afflictions, Win the War, Defeating Satanic Prisons, Conquering Evil Sieges, Engaging the Enemy at your Doors, Binding the Strongman, The Season of Conquest, Terminating your Stoppers, Dealing with an Enemy in Disguise, Dealing with Bloodline Demons, Be Fruitful, New Converts Outlook, Bible Studies Outline, Eliminating Evil Weeds, Enforcing the Word of God, God Must Have the Final Say, Classical Sermons and Prayers, Dealing with Buyers and Sellers of Destinies, I will not Bow to the Enemy, Conquering Harvest Consumers, You Can Resist the Enemy, Breaking the Bondage of Shame, The Weapons of our Warfare, Get Rid of your Herod, Blissful Celebrations, The Eagle Lifestyle, War Against Sicknesses and Diseases, Deliverance from Financial Scarcity, You Shall Not Be Barren, The Spirit-filled Life, Speaking in Tongues, The Seven Spirits of God, Why Prayer?, 200 Powerful Prayer Targets to Reign Over your Day (Vol. 1-3), quarterly Devotional and Prophetic declarations books, Evening tablets, Lord I want to See Your Glory, and counting