Apostle Paul, being a spiritual father and a mentor to Timothy, strictly warned his dear son in the Lord to run away from youthful lust, so that his destiny will not be truncated like Ammon’s; the firstborn of David who had sexual desire for his half-sister, thinking it was love. Lust is a feeling of strong desire for anything that is not godly. Termite always cause damage to the wood and shorten the longevity, in the same way lust brings negative effects to our lives. A heart full of lust can never navigate rightly to its actual destination in life.
Your sight and thought are the two powerful gates of lust. What you see determines what you think. The world today is full of negative images and pictures like pornography, seductive dresses, nude movies and salacious magazines, not to mention uncensored TV programs. All these pollute our thoughts and badly affect our actions. Your heart is the center point of everything, whether good or evil. Whatever goes on in the heart determines the direction life will follow. Keep your heart with all diligence because out of it proceeds the issues of life. We need to be mindful of what our hearts absorb through our eyes before it enters the imaginary state and pollute our thoughts. Finally, brethren whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things (Philippians 4:8).
The first and most important step to prevent lust from destroying your life and destiny is to give your life genuinely to Jesus Christ. Secondly, you must be baptized in the Holy Ghost and make Him Your Senior partner and Best Friend. Third, you must be a diligent student of God’s word and live by it. Fourth, you must pray without ceasing and have faith in God. Fifth, you must live a life of holiness within and without.