Rev Isaac Osei-Bonsu, popularly referred to as Rev OB, is a Ghanaian preacher and founder of the Moments of Glory Prayer Army. Rev OB is seen as a revivalist whose ministry has brought out the awakening of the Body of Christ to prayer in Ghana and around the globe. His passion as a young preacher was to pray for revival in the Body of Christ, not knowing God was preparing him to lead such a revival in the nations.



1. Thank You God for Your word and for this morning in Your presence in the name of Jesus.

2. By the authority of Jesus Christ, as I pray now, I engage the blood of Jesus to cover every area of my life afresh, and to speak songs of deliverance over my life in the name of Jesus.

3. By the authority of Jesus Christ, as I pray now, I cover myself, my environment, and everything around me with the Holy Ghost fire in the name of Jesus.

4. By the authority of Jesus Christ, as I pray now, powers of wickedness projecting evils against my life, die with your projections in the name of Jesus.

5. By the authority of Jesus Christ, as I pray now, every evil program raised against any aspect of my life, die by fire in the name of Jesus.

6. By the authority of Jesus Christ, as I pray now, consuming fire of God consume every evil projection that is hindering me and my destiny in the name of Jesus.

7. By the authority of Jesus Christ, as I pray now, consuming fire of God crush to pieces any evil thing tying my life to the problems of my family line in the name of Jesus.

8. By the authority of Jesus Christ, as I pray now, anything from my background working against the will of God for my life, die by fire in the name of Jesus.

9. By the authority of Jesus Christ, as I pray now, hidden family curses and embargoes standing against me and my destiny, break by fire and die by fire in the name of Jesus.

10. By the authority of Jesus Christ, as I pray now, every evil affliction planted in my life through satanic projections, die by fire in the name of Jesus.

11. By the authority of Jesus Christ, as I pray now, fire of God burn to ashes anything evil planted in my life through my dreams in the name of Jesus.

12. By the authority of Jesus Christ, as I pray now, any problem attached to my life from my childhood, detach by fire and die by fire in the name of Jesus.

13. By the authority of Jesus Christ, as I pray now, you that satanic hand holding what is mine, catch fire and release it to me in the name of Jesus.

14. By the authority of Jesus Christ, as I pray now, fire of deliverance release me from every ancestral evil flow of financial difficulties in the name of Jesus.

15. By the authority of Jesus Christ, as I pray now, angels of God locate and bring my breakthroughs to me in the name of Jesus.

16. By the authority of Jesus Christ, as I pray now, every attack of almost there but never there, loose me by fire in the name of Jesus.

17. By the authority of Jesus Christ, as I pray now, every witchcraft activity going on against me and my my day, die by fire in the name of Jesus.

18. By the authority of Jesus Christ, powers of wickedness wanting to use this day against me, die by fire in the name of Jesus.

19. By the authority of Jesus Christ, oh God of mercy cover my life with the freshness of your mercy in the name of Jesus.

20. By the authority of Jesus Christ, I take authority over this day in the name of Jesus.

21. By the authority of Jesus Christ, you the womb of this day, deliver divine goodies into my life in the name of Jesus.

22. By the authority of Jesus Christ, you this day, favor and smile on me in the name of Jesus.

23. By the authority of Jesus Christ, you this day, fight against my enemies in the name of Jesus.

24. By the authority of Jesus Christ, as I pray now, protecting agents of God, barricade every part of my life today in the name of Jesus.

25. By the authority of Jesus Christ, as I pray now, Holy Ghost fire surround me and my family today in the name of Jesus.

26. By the authority of Jesus Christ, as I drink from my water, fire of God burn and sanitize my organs in the name of Jesus.

27. By the authority of Jesus Christ, as I drink from my water, Holy Ghost fire renew my strength today in the name of Jesus